UniGR-CBS Jubilee conference: 10 years of Border Studies in the Greater Region

Border Struggles and (Cross-)Border Alliances As the first Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise, the UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) has served, since its beginning, as a model for cross-border cooperation, strengthening the Greater Region as a hub of excellence in research. The international, interdisciplinary, and interlingual collaboration of the partners involved has demonstrated the role … Continued

Emergencies and borders: perspectives on the “energy-climate” emergency in the Franco-German cultural area

Cité Universitaire, 57000 Metz, France Cité Universitaire, Metz, France

Seminar Border Studies The 12th UniGR-CBS Seminar Border Studies will take place at the University of Lorraine (Metz) on November 21-22, 2024. Emergencies and borders: different perspectives on the “energy-climate” emergency in the Franco-German cultural area The current times are shaped by a number of different crises, the succession or convergence of which can give … Continued

Roundtable discussion: Towards cross-border faculties? Evaluating 10 years of the Interdisciplinary Center of Expertise ‘UniGR-Center for Border Studies’

The UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) has successfully developed from an Interreg project into a permanent Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise of the University of the Greater Region (UniGR). This year, the UniGR-CBS celebrates its tenth anniversary and looks back on the major milestones of the research cooperation. The anniversary is also an opportunity to discuss … Continued

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