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UniGR-CBS Jubilee conference: 10 years of Border Studies in the Greater Region

17 October , 8:00 am 18 October , 5:00 pm

Border Struggles and (Cross-)Border Alliances

As the first Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise, the UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) has served, since its beginning, as a model for cross-border cooperation, strengthening the Greater Region as a hub of excellence in research. The international, interdisciplinary, and interlingual collaboration of the partners involved has demonstrated the role of the UniGR-CBS as a strong generator of border knowledge in a vast field of disciplinary backgrounds ranging from geography and spatial planning to law studies and political science as well as to linguistics and literary and cultural studies.

In order to bring together the different strands of both Spatial, Linguistic, and Cultural Border Studies, as they are conducted in the UniGR-CBS, Saarland University is honored to host the jubilee conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies. The conference will not only promote further collaboration within the UniGR-CBS but also reach out to the global Border Studies community.

The UniGR-CBS jubilee conference will focus on the topic of “Border Struggles and (Cross-) Border Alliances.” Not only does this topic embrace the genuinely topical issue of contested borders and the closely related formation of coalitions and alliances across borders; it also stretches to offer a thematic framing under which the multifaceted research interests and activities of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies can be subsumed.

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